former office

英 [ˈfɔːmə(r) ˈɒfɪs] 美 [ˈfɔːrmər ˈɑːfɪs]




  1. The47-year-old former senator takes office at noon Tuesday at a time of economic crisis at home and two wars overseas.
  2. The former president, who was forced from office in 2008 but returned from exile last year, could face the death penalty or life imprisonment, if convicted.
  3. As he walked through the halls of the former hospital building that houses his office, he passed one Chinese billionaire and his entourage in a small conference room.
  4. And as a former Office Bike Guy, I hear this complaint, I really do.
  5. The former head of the Foreign Office's Asia research group, Roderic Wye, told the paper there had long been fears about the firm's operations.
  6. The former insider knows the company well ( he once ran its Office division).
  7. The Greek economy is broken. The US economy is not broken, said former Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Holtz-Eakin, head of American Action Network.
  8. This time, the innovation is fracking, said Philip Verleger, president of an energy consulting firm and former director of the Office of Energy Policy in the Treasury Department.
  9. In his essay, Mr Hatoyama said the global economy had damaged traditional economic activities while market fundamentalism had destroyed local communities, citing the decision by Junichiro Koizumi, former LDP prime minister, to privatise Japan's post office.
  10. Ibrahim al-Jaafari, a former prime minister, hankers after a return to office.
  11. But Robert Gates, the former defence secretary, said just before leaving office this year that he thought "the size of the buy" might have to be cut.
  12. Many former astronauts say they would never have left the Astronaut Office the branch of NASA they worked for if they'd had a chance to go to Mars or the moon.
  13. "I was really thrilled to read this," says conservation scientistDonald Lindburg, former head of the Office of Giant Panda Conservationat the Zoological Society of San Diego.
  14. Part of the personnel of the Institute of Mathematics was merged with the former Promotion Office of Applied Mathematics of the CAS to form the Institute of Applied Mathematics.
  15. Her reinstatement to her former office followed quickly.
  16. Tsutomu Hata, a former Prime Minister is notorious for his ill-advised energy-saving office wear, created by simply chopping off the arms of conventional suits at the elbow.
  17. The former Federal Reserve chairman, who departed office last year after nearly two decades as head of America's central bank, has managed to arrange a novel form of financial market crisis just as his memoirs are published.
  18. The supporters reinstated him in his former office.
  19. Martin Bell follows a similar line in "The Truth that Sticks", the first book to assess Tony Blair's impact on Britain since the former prime minister left office in June.
  20. The deadline for complete troop withdrawal by end of2011 was set during former President George W Bush's term in office.
  21. His father is chairman of the Republican Party in Virginia, former assistant secretary of the Education Department's office of special education and former lieutenant governor of Virginia.
  22. The newspaper agency won the "Latest News Prize" for the report that the former governor Spitzer summoned prostitute during his office.
  23. The former official reply on tax exemption issued to the representative office upon approval by the State Taxation Administration, shall still be effective.
  24. Labor experts say the number of former office workers who are moving into blue-collar jobs has increased as South Korea has suffered its worst unemployment since the1997 Asian currency crisis.
  25. D.Lee told me a long time ago when I was visiting his "tiny" office in the Physics Building of Columbia University that the former occupant of his office was Yukawa!
  26. It founded in 1993, located in Harbin Taiping International Airport, the former International Office.
  27. Telecommunication companies which have restructured gradually from the former post office become an enterprise gradually.
  28. The latter one complements the deficiency of the former well, making the whole technology of mobile office on mobile phone meet the needs of enterprises better, and promoting the development of the mobile informationization.